Reach One More is the outreach ministry of Reach City Church. Our passion is to make a difference in the lives of people locally, regionally, and globally, one person at a time. Reach One More has three phases: Reach - Recovery - Restore.

Our Reach Teams are strategically organized and deployed to serve the people of our community by finding needs and becoming the hands and feet of Jesus to meet those needs. We are intentional about forming partnerships that create safe places for people to receive the help they need, while also creating opportunities for those individuals to grow their faith in Jesus Christ.

Through Reach One More, we offer a recovery program not just for those that are battling addiction, but for any person that is struggling with hurts, habits, and/or hangups. Our 12 step program is Christ centered, full of faith, and leads people to a true encounter with the Holy Spirit. We also offer a secondary class called “Trauma Reboot”. If you are ready to get started with your recovery, click the button below.

While the “restore” portion of Reach One More is still in the beginning stages, we are excited to share our future plans. The “restore” phase will cover a broad scope of ministry that will include a thrift store, food pantry, housing for homeless in transition, and providing aid for areas affected by natural disasters.